Beading and dog rescue bring me the greatest joy.

Having been an early elementary teacher for years, colored macaroni and yarn was my sole experience with beading, until I visited a local bead shop on a whim. That day, in 1999, opened up a whole new world for me.

In 2009, I began volunteering at a local dog rescue with my teenage son to fulfill his community service requirement. It’s been 13 years, but I am still there, certain I need the pups even more than they need me.

A couple years ago, I opted for early retirement, which gave me ample time to give the pups more love and reboot my beading ‘hobby’. While enjoying my new chapter, I was on a mission. I wanted to celebrate the very people I taught my students about for character education. So, I started weaving their faces into jewelry. That idea transformed into the pieces you see in my store.

One day, a friend inquired what my intention was with the accumulation of jewelry. Good question. I had no motivation to pursue selling until I came up with the idea of sharing proceeds with the dog rescue with which I spend so much time! The result was Rescue & Bead Designs. I shortened it to R & Bead, to honor my father, who owned R & B Automotive, where he designed and built race cars, in the Midwest, for 50 years.

I hope you enjoy my store where every purchase benefits dog rescue, bead-by-bead.